10 Best House Plants For Beginner Gardeners

House plants are a great addition to any home and can help bring more sunlight into your living space.

If you’re new to indoor gardening, you may be wondering which house plants are the best for beginners. While there are many different types of house plants that can thrive indoors, these ten varieties are particularly well-suited for those just starting out.

Snake Plant

One of the most popular house plants around, snake plants are nearly indestructible and can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. They’re also low-maintenance, making them a great choice for beginner gardeners.

ZZ Plant

Another tough plant that’s perfect for beginners, ZZ plants can withstand neglect and still look beautiful. These plants prefer bright indirect light but can also tolerate low light levels, making them versatile choices for any indoor space.

Spider Plant

Spider plants are easy to grow and care for, making them ideal houseplants for beginners. These fast-growing plants produce baby spider plants (or “spiderettes”) on long stems, which can be propagated to create new plants.

Peace Lily

Peace lilies are graceful houseplants with large glossy leaves and white flowers that bloom throughout the year. While they prefer humid conditions, peace lilies will tolerant drier air and can even purify indoor air of harmful toxins.


A classic vine plant, pothos are very easy to grow indoors and make great additions to any home décor scheme.


Dracaena plants come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making them versatile houseplants that can fit nearly any indoor space. These slow-growing plants prefer bright light but can also tolerate lower light levels.


Ficus trees are popular indoor plants that can grow quite large, so be sure you have enough room for one before bringing one home. These plants prefer bright indirect light but can also tolerate lower light levels.


Philodendrons are fast-growing vines that make great additions to any indoor space. These easy-to-care-for plants prefer bright indirect light but can also tolerate lower light levels and even some shade.


Bromeliads are exotic looking plants that come in a wide range of colors and shapes. These tropical plants prefer bright indirect light but can also tolerate lower light levels and even some shade.


Orchids are perhaps the most well-known of all house plants, and while they may require a bit more care than some other

If you’re a beginner gardener, these are the 10 best house plants for you. With their easy care instructions and low maintenance needs, these plants are perfect for anyone just starting out in the world of gardening. So get your green thumb ready and add these plants to your home today!